Community Remedy

We understand that being impacted by anti-social behaviour can have a detrimental impact on your life, wellbeing, and mental health.

Community Remedy is in place to give you a greater say over the consequences of ASB, and to reassure you that our Community Safety Partners are here for you.

With each case, elements taken into account are:

Community Remedies can only be applied if:

Community Remedy gives victims of anti-social behaviour the chance to have their say in how offenders of ASB are dealt with in their local area. It is all about having a victim-focussed approach to dealing with problems of ASB. For instance, if you’re a business owner and become victim to vandalism, you could request that the offender mends the damage done to your business, as the consequence to committing the behaviour. If the perpetrator fails to comply, or breaches the conditions of a Community Remedy, more formal disposals can be actioned, such as cautions or court.

A victim’s involvement is always voluntary. Should you not wish to be involved in the decisions laid out, you may leave the consequences up to the local authorities or police to action.

The Community Safety Partnership will apply Community Remedies on a case-by-case basis. It is at their discretion whether opting for Community Remedy is the correct course of action. In each case, the victim will be made aware of the purpose of Community Remedy and that the choice to be involved is their own.

Download our Community Remedy Strategy document for further information.

Young Offenders

Those under the age of 18 will be referred to and managed through the Local Authority Youth Offending Services procedures. Equally, anyone under 18 and/or vulnerable will need a family member, carer or responsible adult to assist them in understanding the purpose of Community Remedies.

Every report counts. Help put a stop to anti-social behaviour in your area.