South Staffordshire

How to report

Reporting is vital when it comes to tackling anti-social behaviour, as it paints a bigger picture of the issues within your community, and helps us to implement long term solutions.

South Staffordshire Council encourage your reports via the online form. Alternatively, you can call to report over the phone.

Please note, if you are witness to any criminal damage or there is immediate danger to life, please call the police on 999. 101 is also available for any non-emergency and out of hours reports.

  • Abuse – Shouting, swearing & fighting
  • Harassment – Intimidating behaviour such as verbal abuse
  • Dumping rubbish – Dumping of large items or waste on public roads, land or into rivers
  • Violence – Intimidation through threats or actual violence
  • Noise – Loud music, banging, DIY at unsocial hours, loud parties, frequent visitors at unsocial hours
  • Anti-social drinking – Ranging from groups of street drinkers, to general drunken or rowdy behaviour
  • Property – Vandalism, property damage and graffiti
  • Abusive behaviour – Abusive behaviour aimed at causing distress or fear to certain people; for example, elderly or disabled people
  • Groups of cars – Driving in an inconsiderate way; for example, drivers congregating in an area for racing/car cruising
  • Animals – Animal nuisance, including dog fouling, dogs barking
  • Arson – The intentional act of deliberately setting fire to public property
  • Parking – Including badly parked vehicles 
  • Children playing – Noise from children playing outside or indoors
  • Gatherings – Groups of people in the street or in parks, unless they are being rowdy, abusive, causing damage or committing other crimes
  • Noise caused by everyday living
  • DIY – Neighbours doing DIY (at reasonable times of the day)
  • Religious or cultural practice – This includes praying and other religious related practices
  • A one-off party – Noise generated from a one-off party, unless it becomes a regular occurrence

South Staffordshire's PSPO

PSPO stands for Public Spaces Protection Order and is put in place when Community Safety Partners in an area need more powers to put a stop to anti-social behaviour. They act to combat problems that are causing harm, alarm or distress to the local community.

Some areas in South Staffordshire are protected by a Public Spaces Protection Order. Read about the behaviours and actions that are prohibited in accordance of this, and find out more below.

Did you know?

49.6% of people didn't report anti-social behaviour because they "didn't think that anything would be done if a report was made".

– Resolve. Making Communities Safer. Results from the May 2023 YouGov survey on ASB. 3 July 2023.

We’d like to reassure you that, whilst you might not always receive a response, because we work with multiple local Community Safety Partnerships, your report will always be logged and accounted for, and will help us to put long term solutions in place.

What's on in the area

Discover free and affordable groups, activities, and events happening in your area for teenagers and young people.